[NOTE: We begin our short series on
the specific causes of the spiritual crisis that flows from Kiko Arguello's
theology--as of now, 4 parts are planned, then 1 conclusion. This first piece was longer than I liked and is divided into two parts. Please remember that we are dealing with a diabolic assault on the Church, and the foundations
are subtle. We must all be informed if we are to be prepared, prayerful, and
penitential. Besides, the NCW hates anything requiring linear thinking, so if
the length bothers them, all the better. ]
Many many thanks esp to Chuck White, LaPaz, and Tim Rohr for their very fruitful legwork on this.
Now since we've opened the discussion to what's
really wrong with the NCW, let's start with how I was wrong on a recent
post: there is in fact NO room for dialogue with them. They aren't capable
of it any more than a Chia-pet is. I somehow doubt that you could even talk
about the weather because they'll say Tim Rohr is the mastermind behind some
plot that blames Hon for rain in Maina but when it was sunny in Ylig. Either
that, or my talk about the weather is indicative of my poor education in
meteorology but if only I had heard Kiko's catechesis on weather, I
would know what I'm talking about better that some stupid Weather Channel.
It’s rather like arguing arithmetic with a 4 year old
who thinks 2+2=22. A child doesn’t know any better, but in stubbornness and desire to prove they know, they won’t take instruction
because they don’t know the “structure” or the “logic” of what’s going on. In
the same way, we can’t talk, or dialogue, or come to an agreement (or even a
disagreement) with NCW because although we have a common faith, we don’t have a common term, a common language of faith,
that we can agree on.
Anyway, in light of this, I must say that all
this talk about the Eucharist and altars has brought out a profoundly ugly self-isolation on
the part of the NCW on their blog. Rather than say, “Yes, we agree on
thus-and-so, but not this other thing,” it has become a cacophony of
declarations that Chuck doesn’t know Church teaching, Fr John Hardon (of
blessed memory) didn’t know Church teaching, I’m guessing Cardinal Arinze neither, and
presumably neither did Bishop Sheen, Aquinas, or Garigou-Legrange. In other
words, only Kiko devotees do, and the rest of us are all heretics.
And yet, the whole thing is problematic since
most of us aren’t considering what’s really meant by heresy.
CCC 2089 defines heresy as “the obstinate,
post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and
catholic [universal] faith” or an obstinate doubt about that same truth. In
other words,
1) you have to know that a particular truth is taught,
2) that that truth is required (e.g. we must believe in the Immaculate Conception, but we are not bound to believe that Our Lady appeared at Fatima), and
3) you must stubbornly refuse to accept it in light of these other factors.
1) you have to know that a particular truth is taught,
2) that that truth is required (e.g. we must believe in the Immaculate Conception, but we are not bound to believe that Our Lady appeared at Fatima), and
3) you must stubbornly refuse to accept it in light of these other factors.
More important for us, it is the considered
opinion of the Fathers and the Doctors of the Church that the cause of
heresy is, on the whole, an excessive attention to one
particular part of dogma to the detriment of some other. Arianism is an apt
example. Arius gave so much emphasis to the humanity of Christ that he flatly
refused His divinity, saying instead that Christ was the first and highest
creation rather than being co-eternal with the Father in the Blessed
Likewise, Monophysites so emphasized His divinity
that for them, the human nature of Christ wound up being annihilated by the
divine nature—almost as an extreme reaction to Arius.
As men and women of the 21st Century,
it’s easy to think of this as a difference of opinion, or even simply as
"heresy = false." But heresy always—ALWAYS—leads to moral destruction
in general and mortal sin, even sacrilege and satanic blasphemy. Always.
So, inordinate latching onto one dogma to the
exclusion and detriment of another, and then grave sin necessarily flowing from
it. This is crucial for what we’re talking about, so hold on to that for a
minute. We’ll be coming back to it.
Now anyone who’s been paying the least bit of
attention knows that Chuck, Tim, and others have called out the bad theology of
the NCW for a long time. Yet, every time one of the NCW spokesmen tries to
defend their bad teaching, they use the Catechism in a way that’s, well,
exasperating. It’s not that they’re right, and we know they aren’t right. It’s
that when confronted with the Truth, they absolutely refuse to admit they got
anything wrong. Then they condemn you for not being on their side and therefore
against the Church and therefore Christ.
So the good news about all this back-and-forth is
that many people are strengthened in their Catholic faith, and many now know
the Faith better because of this fight for Christ. We understand why it’s so
important to know it.
The bad news is that those who need it the
most—those well-meaning souls whose minds are darkened by bad teaching—are
completely resistant to anything that does not come from higher up their
spiritually predatory food chain.
All kidding aside: I do mock and tease, but these
are/were Catholics who have fallen away somehow. So that’s really the issue for
me: what is it that drives
these otherwise normal, intelligent people to go somewhere between brainwashed
and lost? They love the
Lord--of that I have no doubt, and they desire to be faithful as they
understand faithfulness to be. But heresy guts that and renders it a darkness
because in heresy, we inevitably are lead into graver errors and sin (see part
Now let’s be very clear on something: God in His infinite mercy quite often uses bad things like heresy to draw men to him, to bring them to conversion. That said, once they come to the Lord, they absolutely must step away from that bad teaching. It inevitably leads to tragedy if they don’t. Specifically, if a convert persists in that heresy and its fallout, the death of the virtues is sure to follow, and grievous sin will take hold.
Now let’s be very clear on something: God in His infinite mercy quite often uses bad things like heresy to draw men to him, to bring them to conversion. That said, once they come to the Lord, they absolutely must step away from that bad teaching. It inevitably leads to tragedy if they don’t. Specifically, if a convert persists in that heresy and its fallout, the death of the virtues is sure to follow, and grievous sin will take hold.
So I’m not saying that NCW members are in mortal sin—far from
it. Individual Catholic Christians aren’t our issue here. It’s that the entire
world-view, the presupposition within which they were catechized, will necessarily
lead to a lose of faith, hope, and/or love (more on that soon). That’s why
it is IMPERATIVE that we reach out in charity to them to help bring them to the
fullness of the Faith, all the while
rejoicing in their return to the Lord.
But since they haven't come to that fullness, what holds them there? Once we know what drive and captures these poor
souls, we can detail in later posts the three great seeds
of destruction being cast by this very pernicious sower who ensnared them.
But we don't need to search too far for an
answer. I think we’ve found it, and our source for that answer is none other
than: Kiko Arguello himself.
Kiko provides for us the lens through
which all NCW members see the world, and this lens is the source of all of our
issues with them. It is the basis for all the theological excesses that inspire
not only heresy but also a joyful wielding of false teaching like a little boy
who’s found his dad’s gun.
So how do we discover it when they won’t tell us,
or probably don’t know themselves?
Now I admit: getting ahold of the first few
volumes of Kiko’s (and Carmen’s) Catechetical Directory was a bit difficult,
and impossible for the last 6 or so volumes. As in cannot
be obtained impossible if you’re los de afuera (more
on that in part two). So we have to pick what we can from the initial volumes,
as Chuck has patiently been working on to get a sense of what’s going on. We
have to be systematic, and piece together the sense of Kiko's system based on
the evidence. So jumping in to better understand Kiko’s way, I
began reading.
But there in black and white on the pages
covering the initial catechesis, Kiko reveals what is the core of the problem:
To recap his line of thought, we
can therefore say:
- Christ was sent by the Father to destroy the barriers that divide men from one other and to form a community.
- This community is the Church.
- These barriers are insurmountable because we are too broken as men to do it—only God can.
- Thus, Christ comes into the world and dies and rises again so that we may be the Church in communion with one another, with all those barriers gone.
- The great barrier that is at the heart of these divisions between men is fear of death.
- All refusal to love (not turning the other cheek, not suffering persecution, not suffering for other) comes from fear of death.
- Fear of death comes from the experience of sin.
- By Christ breaking death, all this leading to barriers between men are null and we can be comunidad.
It’s a beautiful sentiment, and that’s what lulls
you; but beautiful sentiments quite often make for terrible consequences, and
this is one of those times. There’s a fatal flaw to this that’s inescapable.
It’s that Kiko says Christ came to earth for the express purpose of reconciling
us to each other; Kiko never once says we must be reconciled to God. Nowhere.
At all.
This is Kiko’s initial catechesis to bring men to
Christ. Even when he mentions sin, he never once mentions that we have fallen away
from God in our sin. Really? Our sickness and blindness in life is
attributable to barriers between men, and vice versa?
This is because Kiko doesn’t believe in all that
stuff about reconciliation to God. There’s no need for reconciliation with God
because God has no need of it or us, and sin does not hurt him anyway. Our sins
don't matter to God in the end. So for Kiko, the Church as the Body of Christ
is fundamentally a horizontal church—it’s a
community of individual believers, a community of love that has overcome the
barriers to love between ourselves.
But what about sin? That’s just the experience of
death at the deepest level, he says. That’s all it is?
But the wages of sin are death—death
comes because of sin, and therefore the experience of each of
these cannot be reversed either. Experience of death is the cause of sin is a complete
reversal. Kiko explains this by saying that man has "experienced death because he ate from the tree, which is a symbol of sin" (Day 3). The experience of sin causes division, to be sure--that's what sin does.
And in the end, even at its most generalized, Kiko is saying that all sin only has an impact on the horizontal level, the social level. Unless you nuance this out beyond the boundaries of coherence, you can’t make this theology work. Ever.
But these
divisions among men flow from what the effects of sin are, so that matters. What Kiko really is hitting on is that
sin causes a division in us—also true. But that’s all it is. It’s death and
brokenness and barriers to be overcome. It has nothing whatever to do with the very
real and deliberate break of the soul from God, the throwing up of the barrier
of pride. Sin, for him, is a word that connotes the opposite of love, in myself and with others; it’s
reduced to that. God factors nowhere into it.
In other words, all sin is solipsistic--a sort of "it's all about me" hermeneutic, magnified a billion time over into an "it's all about us" church, when in fact it's all about the Blessed Trinity, from whom the we and us and them and I are derived.
And in the end, even at its most generalized, Kiko is saying that all sin only has an impact on the horizontal level, the social level. Unless you nuance this out beyond the boundaries of coherence, you can’t make this theology work. Ever.
I’m not trying to get theological or
disputational, but rather to make a point: Kiko’s theology of Church—his ecclesiology—is one centered on us that,
yes, is formed by Christ and imbibed by the Holy Spirit, but it’s a community
that has overcome the barriers between men only, and does
nothing whatever to do with reconciliation with God. The Church is a community
of individual believers, not a true Body of Christ. It’s not a body that
suffers with and for Him. Kiko’s church is one where the Passion is nothing but
a pit-stop to the Resurrection, and the Resurrection only for the sake of the comunidad. The
Crucifixion is reduced to an unfortunate episode where believers should never
tarry lest they slide into some perverse refusal of the Resurrection and its
In other words, and aside from all other issues,
the fundamental problem is that by
seeing church in this way, Kiko completely undoes the meaning
of the Incarnation and the act of Redemption (which is why people
like Zoltan are so praising of Luther, who’s doctrine of salvation they agree
With this view, this lens through
which Kiko sees the world and the church in it, there is no need for priests,
only presbyters; no altars, only banquet tables; no stained glass, only Kiko’s
icons; no chant, only Kiko’s songs; no theology, just Kiko's Catechetical
Directory; no organs, just guitars and tambourines; no penance, just
acceptance; no Crucified God-Man, just Resurrected Lord.
In technical language, Kiko is making a radical
separation of the transcendent God from the immanent Church (because it's
fundamentally horizontal)—the tragic flaw of all non-Christian belief. But the
Church has always taught that the transcendent God makes Himself truly immanent
in the Church, the Eucharist, etc in a very real and literal way, and not just
spiritualized; likewise, the immanent Church becomes truly transcendent because
it actually is
the Mystical Body of Christ, not just comunidad, and is
Church Militant, Church Suffering, and Church Triumphant--a Church that lives
and dies as her Lord did, a Bride who seeks to one day be crucified with Her
Lord that the great Marriage Feast at the Eschaton may at last be fulfilled in its perfection.
And if you understand the coming of the Son of
God into the world for the redemption and reconciling of Man to God, and from
that the reconciliation of man to man, then you are accused of being only
quasi-catechized, if not a paganized, Christian, according to Kiko.
Like me (Kiko says), you dear readers are holding
on to little more than superstitious practices, or to be a bit kinder and to
borrow from Aquinas, the rest of us are guilty of vain observance,
just as if we sacrificed a goat at Passover because the ancient Israelites did
it. [NOTE: vain observance is a phrase Aquinas uses, not Kiko, so don’t
attribute the phrase to him].
Even so, that’s the equivalent of what we are
being accused of. Kiko/Pius/Diana’s term is “natural religiosity," which
we will unpack in a post soon, since she/they are talking more about it.
Ultimately, the NCW truly believe that ours is a
childish, immature faith. St Francis of Assisi had an immature faith. Padre
Pio's had an immature faith. The Cure of Ars had an immature faith. Dear God,
what presumption! What pride! For they believe that since they received Kiko's
teaching, they are the most fully Catholic, then theirs is the only mature
faith. All else is childishness.
Such is their view of the Church, and except for a formal sense, I'm not sure Kiko really thinks we are part of it.
And where does the real destruction come
in? We'll see on Tuesday in PT 2: THE LENS IN ACTION.
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Virgo Potens, ora pro nobis |
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