In my final post of KIKO’S
DEFORMED VIEW: A PRIEST-LESS CHURCH, I made note of what is almost
everywhere called the radical break between the pre- and post-Vatican 2 Church
(also called the hermeneutic of
rupture). I made the comment that if there is radical rupture, it is caused
by vague language intended for understandability but resulting in theological
confusion and liturgical chaos. Indeed, the language of theology, of liturgy,
and of the Church, is very specific,
very technical, and very precise. It must be so. Often enough, souls really
do hang in the balance.
[And if there IS a rupture of doctrine
between pre- and post-conciliar Church, then Magisterium is broken, and
infallibility is off the board. In other words, we as Roman Catholics are SOL.]
So with a mind of living up to his name, a reader has
asked for a clear example of any Vatican 2 document that is vague so perhaps we
can be convinced that I’m not making all of this up. So here you go.