Thursday, September 15, 2016


In my final post of KIKO’S DEFORMED VIEW: A PRIEST-LESS CHURCH, I made note of what is almost everywhere called the radical break between the pre- and post-Vatican 2 Church (also called the hermeneutic of rupture). I made the comment that if there is radical rupture, it is caused by vague language intended for understandability but resulting in theological confusion and liturgical chaos. Indeed, the language of theology, of liturgy, and of the Church, is very specific, very technical, and very precise. It must be so. Often enough, souls really do hang in the balance.

[And if there IS a rupture of doctrine between pre- and post-conciliar Church, then Magisterium is broken, and infallibility is off the board. In other words, we as Roman Catholics are SOL.]

So with a mind of living up to his name, a reader has asked for a clear example of any Vatican 2 document that is vague so perhaps we can be convinced that I’m not making all of this up.  So here you go.

Monday, September 12, 2016


The contents of this post are solely the opinions of myself and do not reflect JungleWatch or anyone else, but only myself. Any error or misstatement is my responsibility alone. 

Kiko Arguello, my hands-down fave for cult leader

By now, we all know that the NCW has built itself into a parallel church, but even more to the point, a competitor church with a competitor Christ. We have discussed not only the grievous heresies espoused by them, but also their guiding principle: that the Church is all about Man, and that the Incarnation has absolutely nothing to do with the reconciliation of God with Man. There is only community, and all of the last 1700 years of Church aren't worth anything now that Kiko's here. 

From there, it’s not a big stretch to convince those caught in Kiko’s web that they are special, that they have some secret, original teaching. This, combined with the equating of the NCW with the One True Church, means for a member to consider leaving them, or even disagreeing or questioning in any way, is abandonment of Christ. 

Then of course the Diana posts screen shots of Popes JP2 and Benedict XVI to justify the NCW position, even though we can show that there's NO WAY either JP2 or B16 knew NCW theology beyond surface stuff (CDF never ever approved it). The NCW also loves winding up with quotes from Pope Francis, who in speaking off-the-cuff betrays serious theological problems. In other words, Francis may well be materially in heresy (it's not up to me to say he is formally so, since I am not competent as a layman). They aren't Magisterial statement, but Kiko relies on the assuming of Magisterium to bolster his position, credibility, and power.

Just take a quick look at THE LIST and you’ll see there’s absolutely nothing Catholic about the NCW—and it’s not even a complete list.

All that's left is to see why the bishops let the NCW and other like them get away with all of this demonic, soul-crushing stupidity? In other words, how can bishops like Apuron and Hon and Filoni rally behind any group who espouses such great heresies?  Are they that galactically stupid, or is there something else there?

1P5: If Your Faith is Endangered by Francis...

This just in. Very well said and definitely worth a read.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


(Posted by Glaucon Jr)

[NOTE: Because of the very serious nature of the subject matter, I’ve extended this from being Part 5 to Parts 5&6. This is done to make it not so overwhelming as well as to make sure I’m not misunderstood and accused on heresy or schism. Any errors or misstatements in this or any article on is my own fault and in no way a reflection of the opinions on JungleWatch.]

This is the part of the series on the Kiko’s theology that I have dreaded having to write. It’s subject to being confusing or seeming to contradict Magisterium in some way. Anyone who knows me or has read what I post knows that I am always aware of this, and when there’s any hint of “tension,” I’ll always err on the side of “Well, the Church has spoken…”

So here’s the problem: we have clearly demonstrated that there are profound problems in Kiko’s theology, and this flows out into everything the NCW touches. Yet, Rome still seems to tolerate it, if not give the impression of welcoming it. How is this possible? Is Rome tolerating heresy, or has Catholic theology changed such that the Magisterium now reverses itself?*1

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Clown mass: Just another sacrilege encouraged by a bishop

To Archbishop Hon and all the priests of Guam: 

We at JungleWatch have done all the work for all of you in the clerical state on island. Thanks to the great work of Chuck White, LaPaz, and others, we've gathered up the evidence and left for you a trail that a child could follow in the dark. You have only to take a few seconds to see that not only are core beliefs of the NCW heretical and their liturgical practices sacrilegious, but on some points even blasphemous. So busy you hadn't heard about it? Well, let's catch you up. 

Monday, September 5, 2016


If Diana's blog had a family crest

Ok, I'm pretty much ready to wrap up this five-part series on the NCW, its paradosephobic bad theology, its broken Christology, and its natural terminus in pride and injustice. It's long work for you to read and digest, but it's important that we know what we're up against. 

In other words, there's a big steaming pile of Kiko we've stepped in, and right now if feels like we're not getting our shoes clean for a while.

But one thing has been bothering me, so I thought I'd put it out there for your consideration.

Saturday, September 3, 2016


In KIKO'S DEFORMED VISION, PT 4: PRIDE DISGUISED, we finally addressed the problem of pride as the evil fruit  (among a whole vine of evils, in particular injustice) flowing from Kiko's theology and practice. 

And that's why we must be clear on what we mean by the evil fruit of the NCW. 

Friday, September 2, 2016


NOTE: This post is guaranteed to get some readers upset. It's not my intention to inflame passions, but rather to help us all understand the fruits that flow out of Kiko's Passion-less theology. Any issues or problems contained herein are my fault and should not be attributed to Jungle Watch.

I take no delight in writing this post at all, and in truth, I dread writing Part 5, which is well underway. Now to business:

By now, we all know that the NCW has built itself into a parallel church, but even more to the point, a competitor church with a competitor Christ. We have discussed not only the grievous heresies espoused by them, but also their guiding principle: that the Church is all about Man, and that the Incarnation has absolutely nothing to do with the reconciliation of God with Man. There is only community.

From there, it’s not a big stretch to convince those caught in Kiko’s web that they are special, that they have some secret, original teaching. This, combined with the equating of the NCW with the One True Church, means for a member to consider leaving them, or even disagreeing or questioning in any way, is abandonment of Christ.

So we finally arrive at the two most frightening facets of the NCW--their real spiritual fruits, and the support they receive from bishops. I say frightening because even while writing this, I literally got a shudder thinking about how demonic all of this is. I don’t say demonic for effect. I say it because that is in fact what it is, for it is the spirit of Antichrist at work (1 John 2:18-19).